Parsons Darling of the Sun


Sunshine's Health Clearances

Sunshine's Accomplishments

  • UKC Champion ptd
  • FCI Mexican Champion ptd
  • FCI PanAmerican Champion ptd

Sunshine is the granddaughter of our Sapphire and the Daughter of our Darla. Sunshine is a relaxed yet energetic girl, having much prey drive and scent tracks well. She sniffs and tracks all over our property looking for animals in the ground to dig for. If she is in prey drive, she is an energizer bunny. However, she transitions to a couch potato nicely in the house. She is protective, yet is also the sweetest lap dog you could ever know. She is very trainable and eager to please and would make a fantastic therapy dog. She can read people’s moods and how they are feeling physically, and gauges her communications/contacts with people accordingly. She naturally understands to be gentle around children. Sunshine has produced many many service dogs, including Parsons Akioyodasan Vanzay, an amazing Search dog in New Mexico. Sunshine has insane ball drive, and rarely is seen without a ball in her mouth. Physically, she has absolutely to die for coat color, pigmemtation, eye color and ear set. She has the exact same carriage and movement as her grandmother, who is a Multi-Breed Best in Show winner, and boasts the same composition as her sire, our Solomon.